Brava Berganza!
Teresa Berganza
Catalogue No.

A newly remastered collection of four original Decca albums featuring the Spanish mezzo-soprano at the height of her powers in the repertoire most associated with her, from Rossini to folk and popular songs from her native Spain.

Born in 1935, Teresa Berganza was in her mid-twenties when she made the recordings on this album, yet she was already the darling of the opera press by June 1959 when Decca first issued the wide-ranging recital of Rossini arias which opens this anthology, moving with assured mastery from the flirtatious Isabella in ‘L’italiana in Algeri’ to the grave beauty of ‘Fac ut portem’ from the ‘Stabat mater’. Later the same year, she recorded a sequence of eight Basque songs with orchestra which captivatingly exploits the dark, sultry shadings within her mezzo. Although the Rossini LP has been issued piecemeal on CD, this is the first time the recital appears in its entirety.

A year later, Berganza was established as an artist of singular gifts who would lend distinction to the extraordinary ‘gala sequence’ inserted in the second act of the label’s new Viennese recording of ‘Die Fledermaus’, capable of standing her own alongside the likes of Björling, Nilsson, Sutherland and Tebaldi. Her contribution to that album was a Lullaby by her husband Félix Lavilla which they recorded together not in Vienna but Kingsway Hall, London.

As her long-standing accompanist, Lavilla partnered Berganza in a 1962 recital of Spanish songs that capture the mezzo-soprano in vibrant form, bringing her flaring tone, dramatic energy and captivating charisma to Baroque arias by Pergolesi and Scarlatti as well as songs by Granados and Turina, finishing with a classic account of Falla’s ‘Siete canciones populares españolas’ from 1959. As Richard Wigmore remarks in his new booklet appreciation, not even the legendary Conchita Supervia gave a more thrilling, spine-tingling performance of the cycle’s concluding ‘Polo’.


CD 1
Il barbiere di Siviglia:
Una voce poco fa
Contro un cor che accende amore

L’italiana in Algeri:
Cruda sorte! Amor tiranno!
Per lui che adoro
Amici … Pensa all patria

Stabat Mater: Fac ut portem Christi mortem
Semiramide: Bel raggio lusinghier
La Cenerentola: Nacqui all’affanno e al pianto … Non più mesta
London Symphony Orchestra
Alexander Gibson

JACINTO GUERRERO: Sagrario’s Romanza
PEDRO MIGUEL MARQUÈS: Margarita’s Romanza
Orchestra conducted by Benito Lauret

Eight Basque Songs
Orchestra conducted by Gerardo Gombau

Orchestra conducted by Benito Lauret

CD 2
LUIGI CHERUBINI: Ahi! Che forse ai miei dì (Demofonte)
ANTONIO CESTI: Intorno all’idol mio (Orontea)
Attrib. GIOVANNI BATISTA PERGOLESI: Confusa, smarrita

Qual mia colpa … Se delitto è l’adorarvi
Chi vuol innamorarsi
La Rosaura
Elitropio d’amor

Cómo quieres que adivine
Mañanita de San Juan

FELIX LAVILLA: Four Basque Songs
JOAQUIN TURINA: Saeta en forme de Salve a la Virgen de la Esperanza, Op. 60

El tra la la y el punteado
El majo timido
La maja dolorosa
JOAQUIN TURINA: Farruca (Treptico)
MANUEL DE FALLA Seven Popular Spanish Songs
Félix Lavilla, piano

Teresa Berganza, mezzo-soprano



Track previews
7 Canciones populares españolas: No. 7, Polo
7 Canciones populares españolas: No. 6, Canción
7 Canciones populares españolas: No. 5, Nana
7 Canciones populares españolas: No. 4, Jota
7 Canciones populares españolas: No. 3, Asturiana
Confusa, smarrita
Qual mia colpa...Se delitto è l'adorarvi
Chi vuol innamorarsi
La Rosaura
Elitropio d'amor
Seis canzones castellanas: No. 5, Cómo quieres que adivine
Seis canzones castellanas: No. 6, Mañanita de San Juan
Cuatro canciones Vascas: Ai Isabel - Anderegeya - Loa-loa - Aldapeko Mariya
Saeta en forme de Salve a la Virgen de la Esperanza
El tra la la y el Punteado
El majo Tímido
Tonadillas: No. 12, La Maja Dolorosa (De aquel majo amante)
Treptico: No. 1, Farruca
7 Canciones populares españolas: No. 1, El paño moruno
7 Canciones populares españolas: No. 2, Seguidilla murciana
Orontea: Intorno all'idol mio
Demofonte: Ahi! Che forse ai miei dì
La Rosa del Azafrán: Sagrario's Romanza
El Anillo de Hierro: Margarita's Romanza
Ocho Canciones Vascas (Eight Basque Songs): No. 1, Txalopin txalo (Canción de cuna)
Ocho Canciones Vascas (Eight Basque Songs): No. 2, Nere maitea (Mi amada. Canción amorosa)
Ocho Canciones Vascas (Eight Basque Songs): No. 3, Atea tan tan (Llame a la puerta. Canción amatoria)
Ocho Canciones Vascas (Eight Basque Songs): No. 4, Tun, kurrun, kuntun (Onomatopeya. Canción de cuna)
Ocho Canciones Vascas (Eight Basque Songs): No. 5, Arranoak bartuetan (Las aguilas vuelan alteneras. Canción amorosa)
Ocho Canciones Vascas (Eight Basque Songs): No. 6, Ainoarra nimino (El ainoes es pequeño. Canción amoroso)
Ocho Canciones Vascas (Eight Basque Songs): No. 7, Anderegaya (Señorita. Canción amoroso)
Ocho Canciones Vascas (Eight Basque Songs): No. 8, Amak, ezkondu ninduen (Me caso mi madre. Canción humoristica)
Las Hijas del Zebedeo: Carceleras
Il barbiere di Siviglia: Una voce poco fa
La Cenerentola: Nacqui all'affanno e al pianto...Non più mesta
Semiramide: Bel raggio lusinghier
Stabat Mater: VII. Fac ut portem Christi mortem
L'italiana in Algeri: Amici...Pensa all patria
L'italiana in Algeri: Per lui che adoro
L'italiana in Algeri: Cruda sorte! Amor tiranno!
Il barbiere di Siviglia: Contro un cor che accende amore
Recording information

Recording Producers: Christopher Raeburn, Ray Minsull (Rossini); Christopher Raeburn (Cesti, Cherubini, Pergolesi, Scarlatti, Granados, Guridi, Lavilla, Turina); Michael Bremner (Lavilla: Lullaby)
Balance Engineers: Kenneth Wilkinson (Rossini); Michael Mailes (Cesti, Cherubini, Pergolesi, Scarlatti, Granados, Guridi, Lavilla, Turina); Alan Abel Cyril Windebank (Lavilla: Lullaby)
Recordings: Walthamstow Assembly Hall, 17–20 February 1959 (Rossini); Kingsway Hall, London, UK, 10 June 1960 (Lavilla: Lullaby); Decca Studio 3, West Hampstead, London, UK, 17–20 January 1962 (Cesti, Cherubini, Pergolesi, Scarlatti, Granados, Guridi, Lavilla, Turina); Spain, 1959 (Falla, Valverde/Muñoz, Chapí y Lorente, Guerrero, Marquès, Donostia/Azcue)
Remastering Engineers: Paschal Byrne (CD1); Chris Bernauer (CD2)
Original Decca LP Releases: SXL 2132/LXT 5514 (Rossini); SEC 5052 (Falla); SDD 324 (Spanish songs, Basque songs); SXL 6005/LXT 6005 (Cesti, Cherubini, Pergolesi, Scarlatti, Granados, Guridi, Lavilla, Turina); SET 201–3 (Die Fledermaus: Gala sequence)


‘She is equally at home in the fiendish Cenerentola finale (the best I’ve ever heard) and in the long sweeping line of ‘Fac ut portem’… I can see no obstacle to a long and brilliant career for this singer. The accompaniments are clear and firm, and Decca’s stereo sound is bright and full. I recommend this record without hesitation.’ High Fidelity (Rossini)

‘In the Basque songs she immediately identifies herself with each mood from tenderness to humour… I called her performance of [the Falla songs] incomparable, and it still remains so, with her completely idiomatic interpretation, vitality, exemplary enunciation, beautifully clean melismata, and wide range of colour… If for any reason you didn’t have a copy before, make good the omission straight away.’ Gramophone