Posts tagged as ""

Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4; Midsummer Night’s Dream

April 18, 2018

Classic ‘50s accounts of Mendelssohn the teenage genius, the masterly orchestral tone-painter and the deft theatre composer, recorded by Decca and now reissued in new remasterings. With three of Mendelssohn’s most popular orchestral works, Eloquence continues its revival of the recorded legacy of Eduard van Beinum. Principal conductor of the Concertgebouw Orchestra from 1945 until […]

Ravel, Franck: Orchestral works

April 18, 2018

A Franck rarity coupled with a trio of Ravel masterpieces: a valuable addition to the Eloquence series of newly remastered reissues devoted to Eduard van Beinum. Although the Dutch conductor was renowned as an exponent of Austro-German composers from Mozart to Mahler, Van Beinum was master of a wide palette of orchestral timbre which made […]

Brava Berganza!

March 16, 2018

A newly remastered collection of four original Decca albums featuring the Spanish mezzo-soprano at the height of her powers in the repertoire most associated with her, from Rossini to folk and popular songs from her native Spain. Born in 1935, Teresa Berganza was in her mid-twenties when she made the recordings on this album, yet […]

Teresa Berganza – Eighteenth-Century Portraits

March 16, 2018

To complement a 2CD set of Rossini and Spanish songs entitled ‘Brava Berganza’ (482 6397), Eloquence has also reissued more buried treasure from the Decca discography of Teresa Berganza. The compilation takes its title from a 1961 album made, like the Rossini arias on ‘Brava Berganza’ with Sir Alexander Gibson conducting the orchestra of the […]

Mendelssohn: String Symphonies 9-12; Octet

March 16, 2018

A comprehensive survey of the young Mendelssohn at his most prodigiously accomplished, in superbly cultivated performances by a classic Italian ensemble, including a recording never before issued on CD by Decca. In the 1960s and 70s, I Musici was  synonymous for record collectors with Baroque music. Having been founded by graduates from Rome’s Accademia di […]

Boito: Mefistofele (Great Scenes)

March 16, 2018

The sole, completed opera by one of the nineteenth-century’s most shrewd librettists, ‘Mefistofele’ has always held a tenuous place on the fringes of the repertoire but its merits were established in the minds and ears of countless record-buyers in the 1960s and 70s by this 1958 Decca recording, the first to be made in stereo […]

Donizetti: Anna Bolena

March 16, 2018

At a time when Donizetti was represented on the world’s stages by little more than ‘Lucia di Lammermoor’ and the recording industry was only beginning to capitalise on public hunger for the sublime art of bel canto, this complete recording of the composer’s first great international success was welcomed as a landmark in the history […]

Eduard van Beinum – Twentieth-Century Masterpieces

March 16, 2018

The recorded legacy of Eduard van Beinum has been extensively documented on Eloquence. Previous issues have revealed the Dutch conductor’s mastery of and sympathy for 20th-century composers such as Sibelius (442 9487) and Britten (480 2337). His clear-headed approach to any score, combined with the refinement of the Concertgebouw Orchestra, particularly suit the music of […]

Bach: Nine Sacred Cantatas

February 15, 2018

The complete cantata recordings of a Bach conductor who defined performance standards of these works in his day, newly remastered and compiled together for the first time on CD. In the generation of Bach interpreters before Karl Richter who brought his cantatas to an international audience, the name of Fritz Lehmann stands out: and indeed […]

Mahler: Symphony No. 4; Das Lied von der Erde; Lieder

February 15, 2018

The complete Decca-recorded legacy of an illustrious Mahlerian, newly remastered, with several recordings receiving their first international CD release on Decca. The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra lays claim to the closest and longest relationship with the music of Mahler. It was a relationship nurtured by the friendship between the composer and the orchestra’s second music director, […]

Schubert: Symphonies 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; Rosamunde

February 15, 2018

The name of Eduard van Beinum may too often be overlooked among the music directors of Amsterdam’s Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, in between the longer and more internationally renowned tenures of Willem Mengelberg and Bernard Haitink. But this is a wrong that Eloquence has put to right with the reissue of the greater portion of Van […]

Handel: Jephtha; Rodrigo; Concertos for Lute and Harp

February 15, 2018

The works on this collection are drawn from two of the very first stereo LPs released by L’Oiseau-Lyre, the sub-label of Decca. ‘Music of Handel’ was a 1958 album containing arias (recently reissued by Eloquence 482 4759) and this instrumental suite from ‘Rodrigo’, one of the composer’s early pre-London Italian operas, performed in Florence in […]