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Virtuoso Violin Concertos – Sibelius, Tchaikovsky, Khachaturian

April 22, 2016

Ruggiero Ricci is in his element in these virtuoso concertos and showpieces, with both the Tchaikovsky Concerto (with Sargent) and the Scherzo plus the Sibelius Violin Concerto, being released internationally on CD for the first time. The perceptive booklet notes by Tully Potter include a biography of Ricci and (sometimes wry!) comments by the violinist […]

Tchaikovsky; Stravinsky; Berg: Violin Concertos

April 22, 2016

Arthur Grumiaux was a prince among violinists and recorded extensively for Philips/Decca. Many of his recordings – some of them released internationally for the first time on CD – have appeared on an extensive series on the Eloquence label. Here is another – a rare 1956 performance of the Tchaikovsky concerto coupled with his highly-praised […]

Romantic Violin Concertos – Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Bruch, Dvorak

April 22, 2016

A double-CD of Romantic Violin Concertos celebrating the art of Ruggiero Ricci, this set includes the first international release on CD of the Ricci/Boult 1952 recording of the Beethoven. Boult characterised it as ‘perhaps the most thoughtful concerto, the one which needs for the violinist to be a great man as well as a great […]

Sonatas for Violin – Bach, Bartók, Hindemith, Stravinsky, Prokofiev

April 22, 2016

Ruggiero Ricci has enjoyed a varied and colourful discography on Decca and these recordings, are, apart from Prokofiev’s Second Violin Sonata, all comprised of music for solo violin. The Bach pieces date from the 1957 London sessions and the 20th-century pieces were recorded three years later at Victoria Hall in Geneva. Tully Potter’s perceptive liner […]

Debussy: Pelléas et Mélisande

April 22, 2016

This was the first of two recordings by Ernest Ansermet of ‘Pelléas et Mélisande’, a work he conducted several times on stage. It was made in April 1952, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the premiere. In his liner notes, Juan Pons observes: ‘In this recording we can hear Ansermet’s best qualities: subtlety, clarity, a […]

Debussy: Orchestral Works

April 22, 2016

This volume of Debussy’s orchestral works under Ernest Ansermet,  brings together all of the composer’s acknowledged masterpieces together with some of the shorter pieces. The rare 1951 recording of ‘Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune’ and the 1949 recording of the ‘Images’ make their first appearance on CD. Ansermet’s second recording of ‘La Mer’ – he also […]

Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra; Viola Concerto

April 22, 2016

One of Bartók’s most popular symphonic works is his Concerto for Orchestra. Rafael Kubelik’s fabulous recording of it has long been out of the catalogue and is now restored to circulation at budget price. What’s more, it’s the first recording of the piece made by the orchestra for which it was written. Koussevitzky and the […]

Bartók: Piano Concertos Nos. 1–3; Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2; Two Portraits

April 22, 2016

This well-filled 2CD set – nearly 2 hours and 40 minutes long – presents Bartók’s major concertos (the Viola Concerto appears on another Eloquence CD). The three Piano Concertos appear in muscular and sumptuously recorded performances (one of the finest examples of Decca’s 1970s engineering at the venerated Kingsway Hall) by Pascal Rogé and Walter […]

Weber: Overtures; Bassoon Concerto

April 22, 2016

The Decca Ansermet Legacy on Eloquence continues to garner the highest plaudits from publications all around the world. And the latest batch presents the maestro’s recordings of four key Austro-German Romantics: Schubert, Weber, Mendelssohn and Schumann, bringing together all of Ansermet’s Weber recordings for Decca. Weber’s overtures possess an irresistible panache, being a perfect blend […]

Wagner: Die Walküre – Acts I & III

April 22, 2016

In 1958, work started on the great ‘Ring’ project with Solti and the Vienna Philharmonic at the helm of a crop of outstanding singers. For the first complete recording of Wagner’s tetralogy and for the first opera, ‘Das Rheingold’, Flagstad was engaged to sing a role she had never performed before, that of Fricka. Producer […]

The Flagstad Recitals – Vol. 3: Wagner: Opera Arias, Wesendonk Lieder; Mahler: Lieder

April 22, 2016

The third volume of The Flagstad Recitals couples music by Wagner and Mahler. Flagstad’s LP of Wagner scenes recorded with Hans Knappertsbusch is complemented by the ‘Todesverkündigung’ from Act II of ‘Die Walküre’ with Sir Georg Solti as well as the ‘Immolation Scene’ from ‘Götterdämmerung’ from a Norwegian broadcast performance conducted by Øivin Fjeldstad. Also […]

The Flagstad Recitals – Vol. 4: Songs For Sunday

April 22, 2016

The fourth volume in ‘The Flagstad Recitals’, comprises two LPs Kirsten Flagstad made with the London Philharmonic and Sir Adrian Boult in December 1956 (Bach and Handel: CD2) and April 1957 (Sacred Songs: CD1) at London’s Kingsway Hall. The Penguin Guide to bargain Compact Discs praised the ‘sacred pops’ CD for the ‘vivid projection’ of […]